Ordinary, imperfect moments become valuable opportunities to teach love, kindness, and self-control.

Close up of a little girl smiling holding a heart that says "I shared my doll with my sister and earned a kindness token!" and other hand is holding a token with a smiling banana and the word kindness.

Living out the living Word

"Fruit of the Family is a wonderful and intentional way to incorporate biblical learning into everyday living."

-Ashley, mom of 3-

"I love focusing and bringing attention to how they apply God's word throughout the day."

-Melissa, mom of 2-

Why Fruit of the Family?

🍇 This engaging activity goes beyond rote scripture memorization, making scripture come to life for the entire family 

🍉 Parents' recognition of kids' positive actions and attitudes decreases challenging behaviors and promotes a more peaceful family environment (this is the essence of "positive parenting" and works wonders with strong-willed children!)

🍌 Transformation at the "heart-level" nurtures a child's character instead of temporarily "fixing" undesirable behavior

🍏 This semi-structured Bible curriculum is perfect for homeschooling kids ages 2-10. 

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Just open and go--

No prep required!

  • Yellow background with contents of game laid out. 4 cards with text-one with colorful fruit of the spirit bible verse, one with colorful fruit doing motions to memorize verse, one with 9 boxes each with a piece of fruit describing a fruit of the spirit and the final one is titled "fruity rewards." 9 colorful boards with 20 tokens to be popped out are displayed and 4 small zipper bags that look like fruit bowls are laid out. Fruit tokens are scattered on yellow background.
  • Each Fruit of the Family kit has:

    • 180  fruit tokens (made from thick cardboard) 
    • 4 fruit bowl pouches 
    • Memorization through Motions card 
    • Verse card   
    • Spiritual Fruit in Action insert 
    • Fruity Rewards card 
    • Large token bag 
    • Instruction booklet-short & sweet :)